I've been working for around 3 years now on my photography and trying to build up a career with it. It's been far more difficult than I thought when I first began this journey and as a result of the difficulties and some struggles in my personal life too, I found myself feeling very low and frustrated at the back end of last year.
In that moment it would have been very easy for me to quit and to give up on my dreams. I had no job, no money and my career as a photographer was nowhere near where I wanted it to be, in reality it was still just a pipe dream. Thankfully I read two things which really helped put things into perspective for me, helped put my mind at ease and helped me to find my motivation again.
This is what I discuss in my latest podcast where I will share those two key moments of reflection and realisation. The podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and most other podcast platforms or you can listen to it directly below.
I also discuss the points raised in this episode further in a podcast I wrote at the time which you can read here.