Celebrating My Birthday In Lockdown
Yesterday was my birthday, and given the current situation it was a day I was not looking forward to. Ordinarily I use it as a time to...
Yesterday was my birthday, and given the current situation it was a day I was not looking forward to. Ordinarily I use it as a time to...
With beautiful weather at the moment and being stuck inside my flat for so long, I find myself longing for the outdoors and an adventure
When lockdown began here in the UK I lost all my motivation to do any photography. I would have loved to go out on a hike and do some...
The more you look and observe the more you will see.
Trying to become a professional travel photographer is by no means easy. But if you change your perspective, you can change your life!
I'm asking for your help as I begin my own podcast...
Sharing more views and photos out of my window today, because lets face it, I can't photograph much else at the moment. Thankfully...
I can't go out and explore the world with my camera at the moment but I can stay home & photograph an iconic part of my City.
Stuck at home during lockdown, I decided to practice photography by taking a time-lapse out of my living room window
In yesterday's blog post I spoke about the importance of developing good habits and that exercising regularly seemed to me to be one of...
The habits I created had a quick impact on improving my mentality, well being and led to me being more productive with my photography too.
For all that things are difficult right now, you can learn and grow from any experience.
Back in the Autumn of last year I decided to enter the Travel Photographer of the Year competition, one of the most prestigious...
After a recent bad experience in Ukraine I returned to the UK upset, fed up and tired of things not going my way. I can't get into...
I went to Poland, not just because it's cheap, but mainly just to relax, take time out and get my head in a good place again. Before I...
I recently spent three weeks travelling around Poland by train, visiting many of it's major Cities. Beginning with Poznan, I was now on...
Kerala was one of the places I was most looking forward to visiting during my 10 week adventure travelling around India. I first became...
Let me tell you a bit about my story so far since starting my YouTube channel. On 12th November 2016 my Dad suddenly passed away. It...
When I logged onto Facebook today I was reminded of something rather funny that happened to me while in Portland, Oregon three years ago....
We think of adventurers as these sort of supreme beings. Stronger than us, fitter than us, braver than us. The truth is we can all...